Do you have a threenager in the house? Do you feel that you can really do well with them at home? Most parents complaint rigorously when there is a threenager in the house. Why is that so? A threenager tends to be more problematic, and he would also make your life a living hell when he is around. Feel all your favorite dishes toppling over, your make up sets rolling under the bed and your favorite pillow cover ton and tattered. Raisina threenager can really be a job where you should be patient and should concentrate as well.
Raising a threenager
Raising a threenager
Raising a threenager is a roller coaster ride for most of the parents. Parents who raise a threenager kid will definitely be aware of the behavioral tantrums that are shown at them. If you are a parent of a threenager kid, then you will definitely know that this is just a phase that has to be undergone by all parents and nothing else. All the trouble the threeenagers give is the normal way of development and they often get solved sooner as they move on in life.
Who is a Threenager
Who is a Threenager |
Now what is a threenager? We have already heard about teenage kids who are in their teens. A threenager is none other than a 3 year old child who has just crossed the infant stage of his/her life. A 3 year old now has an awareness of the world and knows the meaning of basic stuff. It is one of the important and special initial phase of adolescence. The reason why he is being called a threenager here because he is now almost similar to a teenage guy. He acts as if he is a teenage guy, but of course there is less reasoning and logical abilities compared to them.
The similarity between a threenager and a teenager
A threenager VS a teenager
What is similar between a teenager and a threenager is the sense of freedom, desire and entitlement. But a three year old child would not have developed the social maturity to sense judgment from the world around her/him.
Threenagers have severe mood swings
Threenagers mood swings |
Did you know that threenagers tend to have severe mood swings? They are good at one moment and bad on the other. They would always make a commotion in the public and then act as if nothing had happened. At the same time they would never stop eating, always ask for the most expensive things and would die to go to a video game parlor. In case she is angry, she might stop speaking completely and you would have this feeling about What’s going on? Teenagers are really frightening and unpredictable and you must really be diplomatic with them.
Threenagers have no proper emotions
Threenagers have no proper emotions
A threenager child has no proper emotion of his own. He may cry at one moments and laugh at the other. He may say strange things that are unexpected; he may laugh out loud and then start throwing tantrums in front of the crowd. A threenager child has no ability to control her own emotions due to which they do everything in excess. In a rating of one to zero, they may sometimes be 1 and sometimes be 10. If you ask a threenager to not do something, you can be sure that she will do that exact thing.
A threenager has a sharp tongue that will stop at nothing
Treenager |
If you have upset a threenager, then you have had it. A threenager can really get upset and when it is so, they will stop at nothing. They will shout at you, hurl insulting words at you and blame you as if you are nothing to them. He might also tell you that he never would like to see you again. If she is a girl she might tell you that she would lock you up in her dollhouse and never let you out again. They are also really good at making a scene in front of the crowd if she wants something and you do not get it for her. She would embarrass you in front of the crowd, and manipulate you to get it for her by shouting and screaming and lying down on the floors.
Parents are Threenager’s Punching Bag
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Parents are Threenager’s Punching Bag
It is really true that the threenagers show up all the anger, happiness, frustration, boredom and what not only on the parents. In that way it is actually very sure and apt to say that the parents become punching bag day in and day out for the threenagers. The behavior of a Threenager is controlled, ironically, by her inability to control her emotions. A Threenager has no scale of anger, frustration, excitement or disappointment. There is no zero to 10.
Managing Threenagers
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Managing Threenagers
In the process of dealing with the threenagers there are certain really bad habits that parents learn. One among them is bribing. “Be quiet in the party and then I shall Get You’re your favorite chocolate”, “I will take you to the kids stores if you be a good boy at your potty” are some of the examples of how parents start bribing the kids. In this way you have been ruined by your ward and every time there is a task to be done the kids expect the same bribe from you. But as parents it is just understood that such bribing is only done to manage the sanity for that particular time. But sometimes the rewards actually are good. You can go back and smooth out the behavioral wrinkles later.
You expect more from threenagers
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You expect more from threenagers
It is really difficult to have threenagers around you because you tend to expect more from them. You always believed that you would have a child who would be well behaved and sweet and would never disturb you. Your child, however, proves to be different. He would create more problems for you, and leave you feeling embarrassed and anticipatory.
If you deal with a threenager, you should be strict and at the same time very firm with him. Do not beat him, but at the same time be strict when he is getting out of the way.You need to be diplomatic and at the same time love your child.A threenager has no sense as such , thus he needs to be ordered and not explained.
Forget your good night’s sleep
Have you ever felt that you needed a good night’s sleep? Not with a threenager around you. A threenager would wake up in the wee hours of the morning and ask you to play football with him, or tell him a story. He might also suddenly want to go out and eat at Mac Donald’s. Now this is something that we would really hate to do.
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Forget your good night’s sleep
These are the reasons as to why a threenager is really a tough person to deal with. He has his own emotions, own tantrums and own small little thoughts which you need to adjust to.Adjusting itself is a big job, and you can do it, provided that you take it as a pass by phase that is going to end soon.
Threenagers are intelligent
Threenagers are intelligent
Who said that small kids of three are not intelligent? They are more intelligent than me and you. Look at a video in the internet where a small kid of three is arguing with his mom about cupcakes. He called his mother by name and calls her honey as well. He has a great sense of logic as well as is very firm in what he is trying to prove. Small children are definitely very intelligent when it comes to speaking to elders and throwing tantrums.
Being Real
Though there are tantrums from the threenagers they are the best kids to live with. They have a great sense of emotional intelligence and this makes them really special. Threenagers act out of emotional instability, yes, but they also act out of their own blossoming sense of independence. What they say is truly a product of what they feel. Whether it’s out of anger or happiness, what they say and how they act is genuine. Come what may they speak their hearts out and there are probably less chances that this kid is lying to you at any time. They emotions actually guide them what to speak and they say the truth on your face. If they say “I Love You Daddy” that’s really coming from within an its definitely unconditional and genuine
Treeger real |
The above things will show you how a threenager can ruin you when you are at home or when you are at a public place. Thus just avoid problems and try and turn to the next direction, whenever you feel that your threenager is planning to spoil the show .
So managing the threenagers and their tantrums is just a normal thing for any parent and considered just as a passing phase. Go ahead and enjoy the time with your three year old and let him know and connect with the social world outside. Now is the time the toddlers have just crossed almost the infant stage and are developing a sense of logic and reasoning in them. It is better for the parents to help the kids understand the way the world works and how they have to behave. A threenager sis the most enjoyable thing in the house and you would definitely miss them, once they are out.