are a number of people who actually cannot differentiate between a real time
prank game and a normal prank played by friends. If you want to play a real
prank on your friends so that they go mad, you can try out numerous gadgets
that can help them to succeed in their venture. There are a innumerable numbers
of gadgets that would help you in this prank playing game.
ultimate PC prank master
This is known to be a
USB device that when connected to any computer can actually damage the same in
various reasons. This resembles a virus that can harm your computer. This can
be used in any kind of computer.

The different
malfunctioning includes moving the cursor all around, turning the keys of the
caps lock off and on, typing nonsense text messages which suddenly pop out of
The malfunctioning can
be controlled by buttons on the computer that features a setting so that
malfunctioning does not take place in the near future.
Wrong number generator
This is a gadget that
might as well conk you off naturally! The gadget makes the victim’s phone call
a wrong number. The gadget can call a number of people at the same time and
multiple strangers will come across each other and lead to a cross connection
when the victim is trying to make a call.

Though this joke may
initially seem to be funny, it may lead to horrible consequences. This also may
block incoming calls which means that if you call the number you would hear a disconnected
cell phone jammer

Call jammer is usually
used to connect all kinds of activities that would be performed by a cell
phone. This includes blocking incoming as well as outgoing calls. Messages and
internet connection.The hidden cell phone jammer comes in a form of a cigare tte
packet that can easily f ool people. It can work on cell phones within a 32-foot radius.
The Fake pregnancy test
This gadget can really make your partner go bonkers.The fake
Pregnancy test gadget is designed to convince y our friend that you are
pregnant.It looks like a real pregnancy test kit and also has a p ositive

This gadget can also be used to play other tests as well as
scaring your parents, your boyfriend, and his parents as well so that both of
you can get married to each other.