Babies are getting smarter by the day. While this one can barely sit up on her own, she's already pulling the wool over her dad's eyes by fake crying!
In a video uploaded by the baby’s mother, Marcelinha Dos Santos Iwama, the baby’s father is seen trying to cut his daughter’s fingernails however the baby girl turns it into a funny prank.
It seems though that this little girl knows that there’s some serious business about to go down, because each time her dad gets close enough with his nail scissors, she lets out an adorable squeal that makes both baby and daddy erupt into a fit of laughter! This video that has been loaded has been viewed by people more than 24 million times and has also been shared close to 100000 times.
As to whether or not any nails were trimmed, that remains to be a mystery.
When did all this start
Any primogenitor who has sometimes tried to cut their baby's nails would feel how difficult the task really happens to be. It all started when the little girl Marchelinha didn’t want to cut her fingernails and decided to pretend as if her dad was hurting her, every time he came close with the scissors. She mustered up a fake cry and threw a few tantrums and wails and attempted to scare her father into giving up this sort of a task. This baby is now a star in Facebook because of her cute looks and her intelligent behavior.
Whether you believe it or not, babies are getting intelligent day by day and they can try almost anything to fool you so that you fall into their trap.Parents need to be really careful about the behavior of their little ones and these instincts are later going to be really difficult to tackle.
Adorable baby girl pulls fake cry prank |
There is something called the Flynn effect that happens always. Flynn effect is where there is a huge jump in the skills from a previous generation to the present generation. You as a parent might have already experienced it. Usually grandparents are the ones who would have observed this a lot. Grand parents most of the time compare their kids and grandkids which are usually to compare the developments in generations. True, kids have become so smart they almost try to flatter the adults with their skills. Kids have nowadays become really intelligent as far as skills and activities are concerned.Babies are slowly getting intelligent compared to the previous generation. That is because they are more exposed to the outer world as well as with electronic gadgets, television shows and many more things in the outer world.
Babies have this ordinary skill to flatter
Though babies seem to be dull in the first six months, they slowly develop this tendency of flattering people. This is a capability which adults seem to lack. Infants are capable of viewing all the small intricate details those adults seen to outlook. Scientists have recently found out that babies are much more intelligent when compared to adults thogh they cannot speak well.
· A baby can understand the difference between a foreign language and their native tongue
· They can lip read when are 4- 5 months old and can also understand the parent emotions
· They can recognize vowels and consonants, though they cannot say they.
· When infants are in their first six months, they can differentiate between two similar looking faces that we adults cannot differentiate.
· They are also able to understand the voice of their mothers apart from the rest.
Did you know that babies also have this amazing capacity to pick up three kinds of languages at the same time when they are small?
New born babies are said to have this amazing intelligence that helps them to grasp any of the world languages as well. They begin to notice and respond to familiar objects and know how to respond to familiar sights as well.
They also have the sense to understand when an adult is mad at them, when she can be emotionmally blackmauiled and when they should stop at something.
Dad can bond with their child in many different ways
He can feed her with a bottle of milk and hold her close to his chest. A dad can also be the rescuer in the night. When your baby cries, pick him up and cuddle him. This will help you spend some precious time with your baby and at the same time help mom to have some night sleeps. If your baby is crying rock her, sing to her and also give her a bottle of milk of you feel that she is hungry.
child in many different moods
If she is still crying, make funny faces at her and make her smile, play with her, show her that you are always there for her and love her. You can also take out your bundle of joy for a walk in the woods where she will get some fresh air. Your baby responds well to touch. Try and touch her warmly, and relax her with a gentle massage or a warm shower bath. These are one of the most precious moments that you can be together.
Babies Bond with Dad
There was a time when fathers did not have a big role in the upbringing of the baby except for providing financial support and moving around. The present time requires a different role from fathers. This role is that of attachment or bonding. Majority of the children are modeled after the father. Therefore the fathers may require certain tips to develop a kind of bonding with their babies. There are mothers who wonder about the role of their husbands, may be their active part or indifference in taking care of the baby.
Here is one such smart baby who puts a prank on her dad. Babies are so cute that whatever they do look fabulous and lovely. The way baby laughs, tobbles and falls while walking, everything looks funny and adorable. Sometimes parents observe everything the kids do and extract a meaning out of it. But the kids are also smart and they want their parents to understand what they would like the parents to understand about them. Confusing isn’t it? Such confusing even the babies are. The kids try to fool out the parents and the parents will never know.
Fake Cry by a Baby Doll
The girl baby in the video is such a baby doll. She is such an adorable kid and the act she does just flatters the viewers. If you have watched the video you will definitely know how possessive the girl is about her dad. She is just a little girl who might be around 11 months or a year old. She cannot even sit up on her own and already trying to prank her dad with her fake cries. This shows that the baby girl is really intelligent and wants her dad to play with her.
Why was this video uploaded
This lovely and cute video was uploaded by the baby’s mother Marcelinha Dos Santos Iwama. The mother might have planned this video capture to show to the world how cute and lovely their daughter is. In the video the little baby’s father is seen trying to cut his daughter’s fingernails. It seems though that this little girl knows that there’s some serious business about to go down, because each time her dad gets close enough with his nail scissors, she let’s out an adorable squeal that makes both baby and daddy erupt into a fit of laughter! But finally, if the dad ended up cutting the nails or not is just a mystery. Looked like the family just had great fun with all the laughing stuff the whole day.
Prank videos
If you search the internet, you would find many more prank videos where cute little small babies play pranks on their dad, mom, brothers and sisters. This shows that babies are getting more and more matured nowadays.
Activities for Babies
The beginning years of a child decide what he turns out to be as an adult. There is a saying that the “child is the father of the man” It ultimately means that if today’s children are reared properly the future mankind would be more healthy, prosperous, effective, efficient, creative, stable, well controlled and intelligent. Today’s mothers have been influenced by many theories. One such theory is “spare the rod and spoil the child” Research studies have revealed lots of useful hints at what a child can do or cannot do at a given period. Although there are a plenty of fantastic activities that toddler enjoys, parents can use any such activity that keeps them active and happy.
Baby’s love the repeated tasks. They love and laugh at simple stuff like dropping down a tumbler, tearing a paper, opening and closing the door, pee-ka-boo and stuff. There are times when a baby also throws down things from the highest point and then expects us to get it for her so that she can repeat the action once again. When such wonderful moments where the baby shows such cuteness is captured it really brings in a lot of good memories to the parents.